At Toronto landmark Pauper's Pub on Monday night, we celebrated the end of the Fall '22 Annex Improv sessions. Class members from both the Monday and Wednesday night classes came together as a tribe to enjoy a drink together on Bloor Street.
Just before the booze began, we played "Wheel of Improv" at the CSI Annex location.
At Paupers, each participant got a "report card", that is, a personalized account about their progress and what they might try to work on to improve at Improv even more. In small groups participants heard about their focusing skills, their emotional library, their physicality, their creativity, their musicality, and what made them special and unique.
Brian got some feedback himself:
"Annex improv is one of my favorite activities of the week."
"Brian will teach you how to think on your toes, exercise your creativity, build confidence in your silly self, and most importantly, laugh!"
"Annex Improv is way fun, skill developing, and confidence building."
"Annex Improv was an accessible and inviting environment in which to start my improv journey. Brian is an engaged and perceptive teacher who knows how to challenge students to get out of their comfort zones without pushing beyond their window of tolerance."
"I haven't laughed so hard on a Monday night since 1991."
"Great location, great teacher, a perfect mix of learning and having fun."
NYTimes: "A Good Time was Had By All"