In the sincere hope of offering up a shard of light during this unusual time, here's a thing we recently did.
We were planning a PowerPoint Improv event. The Harbord Street Krispy Kreme had graciously offered to donate 6 dozen free donuts, and we were all set to go. Inevitably we had to cancel this event due to lockdowns, but Krispy Kreme still offered us the 6 dozen free donuts!

So my [car-owning] friend Paul and I decided to go around to drop the dozens in a few spots around town that we thought could likely use a bit of... sugar. Thanks to our CSI Annex '5th Floor Orgs' [Action Contre la Faim, Reel Canada and Swerhun Facilitation] for their suggestions of locations in need. [These were in fact the 3 teams that were going to go toe-to-toe in our PPT Improv Competition].
We took the 60 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and delivered them to St. Felix Centre and All Saints Church Community Centre! We delivered the donuts to the front door, and avoided unnecessary contact with folks there. We of course also avoided any unnecessary contact between ourselves and the delicious donuts. Sigh.

But thanks to Krispy Kreme, some smiles were shared!