I went to Barbados for the whole month of July. Yes, I am quite wealthy, thanks for asking!
JK, I was mostly house/dog-sitting for my nephew Luke, who got head-hunted for a big-up job there.

I took Leon for 10 days to visit with our family, then I put all of those guys on a plane and stayed alone (with 3 giant dogs) in the 5 bedroom house for another 3 weeks.

The house is in the parish of St. Peter, which is way up northwest on that tiny island (21 miles long, 14 miles wide). My days were pretty much spent alone, with daily driving trips to explore and re-connect with Barbados (I used to live in Bim in the mid-1990s, and have friends I'm still connected with).
Here are my Observations:
The caribbean is hot as hell in July, but at least you have an ocean always nearby. Or a pool. Or both, plus air-conditioned bedrooms. Cause. It. Is. Hot!

2. Simple snorkeling is one of my favourite things, and I did it for an hour every single morning for the whole month. Even just floating over the sea bottom is fascinating to me. This trip, I encountered a baby sea turtle and a moray eel. Plus, 10k exotic fish of all varieties.

3. I see better in Barbados. It's the easternmost island in that chain (nothing between it and Africa), so the air is particularly clear. I could drive during the day without my distance spectacles.

4. It's good to get outta town. Change seems to indeed be inherently good.

5. Lunch at this poolside restaurant is a delicious blend of jumbo snail with unicorn tears.
